Thursday, March 25, 2004

hot hot hot

ok...for autumn it was quite unusual to have a day where there was a high of 31 degrees! more like summer.
well, i was in the campus centre today cos well my 1 pm lecture finished 20 mins earlier (YAY!) and my friends and i were checking out the flea market there. then suddenly...the stooopid fire alarm went off asking everyone to evacuate the building. well we slumber only, still checking out the stuff then it was time to go for our lecture at 2pm. had to walk around the campus centre to get to our lecture theatre cos they blocked off the campus centre. guess what was happening... it was another rally bout the increment of fees! too bad that my lecture still went on. the good thing? it only lasted for 20 minutes or so. and...jus my luck i still had another lecture to go. well, no such luck on getting out of my last lecture early. the only thing that was bothering me was that i felt like i was in an oven! i was just wearing a t-shirt but it was fricking hot! the air con was spoilt! and which like 200 over of us in the small lecture hall, breathing the same air, no ventilation... with my palms sweating and my skin stuck to my shirt...well you get the picture. it wasn't the place i wanted to be in. so we finished like 5 minutes earlier. BIG HAIRY DEAL!
oh and while we were waiting for the last lecture to start, my fren and i were pointing out who were the people we knew from our college. there was quite a few actually.
aaah...glad it's nearly the weekend. well it's actually the weekend for me already since no classes tomorrow! yea...but i have assignments to complete...
glad that it's nearly the weekend...


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