Friday, May 14, 2004


fine...i know it's been a long time since i blogged. but i actually wrote something last night but when i clicked publish post my internet decided to be mean and not work. honestly. i was online for hardly an hour and was nicely chatting to ppl when my msn logged out and i could not sign in. so sorry to boo... i'll send u the song another time!
ok...if i remember correctly...the first thing i wrote last night was...
YAY!!! no more assignments for the rest of the sem!!! and yea..that's the reason y i haven't blogging for the past few days. 3 more weeks till exams start. DARN. the semester's passing too quickly.
aahhh and i remember that i said i'm getting blur these days. ok fine...for those of you ppl who think i am already blur...i'm getting blur-er. maybe it's cos i was staring at the comp for the past one week for too long. maybe that's why i type wrongly sometimes when i'm chatting to ppl. like last night...i meant to say "her phone is ringing" but it came out as "her phone is raining" whooops.
had KFC for dinner last night!!! woohooooo! it's been ages since i sinked my teeth into the juicy, tender, oily fried chicken. went grocery shopping after that. nearly got a shock when Amy's groceries came to $79.32!!! and this Hui Yin bought loads of vegies. hmmm...i think it's healthy week for her. as we sat down while waiting for Chungee to come pick us up (didn't want to take the bus back since we had a trolley full of groceries!), Amy calculated that she only spent $20 for her own groceries. she spent 60 bucks on chocolates!!! 60!!! how, u ask? what did she buy??? she gave loads of business to Cadbury by buying 20 blocks of chocolates!!!!! that's like 5kg of chocs altogether that she's gonna lug in her luggage when she goes back in a month's time.
today's my relaxing day. jus had lunch with Amy. i cooked chicken today!!! well actually i'm not suppose to eat chicken or any other meat except for seafood on fridays but hehehe *nervous laugh* i'll 'ganti' back on another day.
Woohoo!! hope hui yin comes back from class hand is itching to play baddy! and can hardly wait for tonight! a few of us are having steamboat! and The Grinch is showing on tv tonight!! as for now, i'll wait till i finish my lollipop then i'll start singing out of tune to my mp3s. the reason why i'm eating a lollipop now (i shouldn't be eating cos my teeth are in bad shape) is cos i burnt my tongue jus now!!! while tasting my chicken while i was cooking.
till next time...take care and for those who's exams are coming soon...Don't stress so much! Take it easy. Eat right. Drink loads of water. Have sufficient sleep. oh gosh... i'm begining to sound like my mom now. Frank is cleaning my glass door. i can see his shadow. scared me jus now. thought wat was happening.


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