Monday, April 05, 2004

today...hmm. wasn't a very good day. it still isn't. firstly, i don't understand this. i wake up like an hour before my alarm goes off and decide to go back sleeping, and when my alarm does go off...i can't wake up! and...fine. my classes usually start at 11 on monday with monday blues. but not today. we waited outside our supposedly classroom for our tutor. the past weeks we were at the comp lab. but while we were waiting, there were other students in the class already. and they were...well older. apparently it's a jewish law class. OOOPS. someone made a boo boo...and it was definitely not me. so fine...decided to hunt her down, hopeing that she was in her room but of course she wasn't. so gave up, called Hui Yin up. went back home... my next class was at 2. so came back to uni with hui yin...left at 1. there was a poster sale...check out what she bought by clicking on the link "Hui Yin" was hot today. yes...i'm always complaining about the weather.
thirdly...that's private. and let's forget bout that.
looking on the brighter side...i got an email today! YAY!! and i FINALLY managed to download the full version of Anastacia's "Left Outside Alone". it's a great song...been tryin for the past 2 weeks.
and it's been like months since i saw Jun online. so yea...

"And i wonder if you know
how it really feels,
to be left outside alone
when it's cold out here
Well maybe you should know
just how it feels
to be left outside alone"


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