Saturday, May 15, 2004

High school

Your High School(s): SMK Damansara Utama

1. nickname in high school? : kai tan, michael tan etc...

2. best subject? : English hehehe

5. worst subject? : chem!!! or was it history...

6. a teacher you owe life lessons to? :
hmmm guess each and every teacher taught me something bout life. but i really admire those who managed survived my form 4 and 5 class. what a mean and noisy bunch of ppl we were. well not me lar...those ppl. can still remember Mrs. Aw Yeang (physics) who always says: BULLSHITTTT!!!

7. a teacher you wanna kick in the ass? :All teachers are GREAT!! *GRIN*

8. form 1: hmmm quite fun. getting to know ppl who wasn't from my primary school

9. Form 2 : met more ppl. had a really dumb and immature fight with someone close. :( did quite bad.

10. Form 3 year : went to this really lau-pok class but met great friends...Ai chuet!!! hmmppph PMR year...!! well
supposed to be studying but no... managed to scrap through

11. Form 4 year : HAVING fun!!! honeymoon year!!!

12. Form 5 year : final year in school! SPM!!! *groans* results were ok. but was most proud of my 1119 english! *gRins*

13. your best friends? : kempas-ians! ai chuet, may poh, pooi yee, sue li, siew win, win hong

14. cafeteria food sucked? : i think it got better with each passing year...i miss the popiah!!!

15. most hilarious school rule? : no liquid paper allowed! still remember how ppl would hide it when there is a spotcheck. oh and also we had to line up in the hot blazing sun after recess!!! thanks to arm is 2 toned!!!

16. wore uniforms? : what to do...all government school girls had to wear that pinafore

17. how was the prom? : din go :P

18. who was prom king and queen? : heard it was yiven and shien wei

19. any achievements? : ermmm no. was low-profile in school

20. were you popular? : no way!

21. best song that reminds you of high school?: "SMDU sekolah kami, skolah kami cintai"

22. unforgettable high school crush?? hmmm dun think i had one.

23. most embarrassing moment? : erm...i sat on chewing gum in the school hall. had to walk around the whole day with it. went back home, kena from my mom. had to buy a new pinafore...whoops.

24. memory you'd like to forget about high school? : my embarassing moments lorr..

25. best memory? : got to stand right in the middle for class pictures for form 3-5

26. any regrets? : nope. oh wait...regret for not studying harder.

27. would you like your "future child" to attend your high school? : why not?

28. were the bathrooms clean? : depends when u go! sometimes clean, sometimes filthy.

ok look. i have no idea why the numbers jumped from 2 to 5. i jus saw it that way.


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