Thursday, August 05, 2004


had really weird dreams last night. usually i don't dream (either that or i forget) but last night's series of dreams were really peculiar.

Dream Number One: was in a classroom. waiting to go surfing. everyone was seated, waiting. waiting for what? water? the waves? instructions? i had no bloody idea. all of a sudden i see water coming from a distance. you know, the kind you see in Deep Impact and The Day After Tomorrow. the one where this huge amount of water is coming right at you. so we were all excited (who's we? yet again, no clue) and got on our boards. that was when i thought to myself panickedly, "HEY! hold on. i don't know how to surf? what am i doing???" so all i remember doing was sitting on the board on top of the water. and some britney spears song was playing. and i have no idea what happened next.

Dream Number Two: was just talking to hui yin in some corridor. then sylvia comes back with 2 other girls (which again, i have no idea who). she looked different. her mouth was like swollen, blown out. next thing i knew, she collapsed on me and started puking on me. i was damn angry since she threw up on my nice new blue shirt! so i started shouting, "oi! what's ur problem man..." hui yin went, "SO WHAT! she did the same thing to me last night. what's the problem..." pardon me but i did not know what overcame me to say the next sentence. "F***k you!!!" i said to Hui Yin. and she well, what do you say when someone says that to you? "F***k you too!!!" Hui Yin shouted. and goodness knows how it ended.

goodness...had no idea why i was dreaming like that. and don't worry hui yin, i will NEVER EVER say that to you. PHEW. glad that's over.

it's mommy's birthday today. once again, not around to celebrate it with her. think she's really pleased with the present my dad got her. oh wait, let me correct that. the present that my dad paid for but was chosen by her. aaaah... sounds better.

was quite bored jus now. had quite a late lunch at ermm 3 something. anywho... decided to take pics of my new bear!!! i bought him at the uni bookshop jus now cos i couldn't resist it when hui yin told me bout it! (she bought one too). everyone... meet Teddy Bean. yes. BEAN. not BEAR. cos i already have one named Teddy Bear (yes hui yin...the one that you said looked like a raccoon.)and yes...i'm quite aware that the price tag is visible.

and now, ladies and gentlemen, i'm glad to present to you yet another cute adorable bear." I have been lovingly hand-crafted to meet all safety requirements. I do not like washing machines or tumble driers, but I like being wiped with a warm damp flannel and being left to dry naturally. If my fur goes flat I do not mind being brushed gently, as long as I get a hug afterwards." ladies and gentlemen, may i present to you (drumroll please...), Honey Bear! courtesy of hui yin!!! thanks dude!!!

Isn't he just the cutest? yes...i know i said he. some says it's a she cos of the rosy cheeks. so what...can't a boy bear have rosy cheeks? and yea it has eyes as well but it's jus that it's small so you can' really see it. but the fur is nice and soft! and i absolute object if you say that it has a FAT BUTT. cos that's what my brother said when he saw it last week. HMPH.

and next, just so that the rest will not feel left out (yes ppl, even soft toys have feelings ok.) this is the remainder members of the Melbourne Bear Gang. from left, we have pinky bear (from Ai Chuet), followed by snoring koala (brother bought it for me or was it my mom who chose it?), koala bear (either from my mom and dad or my bro) and bow bear (i chose this.). and if you haven't realised, they're all BEARS. well sorta, if i'm not mistaken, a koala is not a bear but who cares. i just have this thing for bears.

now, y snoring koala? cos if you push a button on the tummy it snores. and some ppl...jus can't help their itchy fingers and keep pressing it! as for the koala bear, hui yin likes to bully it! she's always making it take off it's shirt cos it's too small for him!

that's quite a long entry eh?


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