Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Pasar Malam

it's been yonkers since i went to a pasar malam (night market) but i finally went yesterday evening. the ss2 one is way better than the Taman Tun one if i remember correctly. anyway, bought some siu mai, fish balls, sea coconut to cook and fried ice cream! can you believe that it's actually my first time eating one though i've seen it many times? oh and we bought the usual jelly. i have no idea what it's called, it's this yellowish jelly (which has no taste) that comes with some lemony syrup. well, usually it's yummylicious IF the syrup is not too sour. unfortunately that's how the syrup was. mom has vowed never to buy from that liar man. but i mean come on, if you ask the seller if it's sweet, won't he just agree with you?

gosh, i know it's raining now but is it that cold that my brother has to go to the toilet 2 times withing 10 minutes?! ok, got side tracked... now let's go back.

i just downloaded this song by Dick Brave and The Backbeats with their rendition of Complicated by Avril Lavigne. must say they did a pretty good job with it, giving it a funky edge. just think of Rock and Roll. the version where you can sorta swing dance to it and snap your fingers to. not your cup of tea? oh well, i like it. ^o^

another favourite for me this week is Talk to me by Keri Noble. just love the piano playing. love the lyrics. love the melody. oh heck, i just love it!

one more recommendation. Sarah McLachlan's World on Fire. you can count on her for meaningful lyrics. just, wow.

ok, i'm suppose to blog bout my penang trip. got pictures to show but probably not now. there's thunder and lightning. better go if i don't want my comp to get zapped.


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