Saturday, January 08, 2005

Scuse me...

After having this expensive but satisfying dinner at One Utama at this place called Basque Lane, mom, dad and I headed to the washroom.
There was this young chinese guy who was looking at the floor as he walked into the washroom.
I stood there waiting for my mom to enter through the other door.
She just stood there.
And asked, "Why is he going to the ladies?"
I looked at her in disbelief and glanced at the washroom.
The guy all of a sudden realises that he had entered the ladies, and quickly scurried away(still looking down on the ground. maybe he was admiring the shine on the floor tiles.) to the gents.
Could have sworn that he looked a bit paiseh and went a bit red.
Poor guy. Cos all three of us were laughing after that.
Oh well, we make mistakes.
But thank goodness I didn't step into the gents, for then there would be another thing to add to my list of embarassing moments.


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