Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Aaaah. that seven letter word. what comes to mind when u hear this? ross, rachel, chandler, monica, phoebe or joey?
there are many types of friends. to me, that is. there's the "Hi!" and "Bye!" friends. you know, people that you know only by face and name but have never really talked to them? then there's your classmates. from primary school, secondary school, college, tutorial mates. with these friends, we usually talk about school work and that's about it. like tute mates. after the semester is over, u would prob never see them again cos there are so many coursemates around.
but, i find that it's weird. like in primary school where u spent years with this group of friends and when u move on to secondary school, you get "seperated" into diff classes. so it's like, you were close for years but after that you hardly talk to each other and when you see each other it's like "Hey...Hi!". so they have now become "Hi" "Bye" friends.
then of course there's the clique that you have by being in the same class or same course. with these friends, i don't just talk about school but everything else. from movies to music to life. and of course there are other cliques u get and in my case it's from my hostel. it's amazing jus how with jus a few of us, how i come to know different types of people with their mixed up personality.
hmm what other types of friends are there? aaahh...that special friend.
ok...i have no idea what prompted me to write this...guess i'm just bored?
but i have to say i'm grateful for all the friends i have. all types. the "Hi" "Bye" ones, the ex-school mates. everyone.

well nothing much happened today except that...someone pulled my hair during lecture. u know who you are!!! grrr...and that's the second time she's done it to me!


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