Monday, May 17, 2004


it's my one hour break again. i always spend my monday break in the computer lab in case you haven't noticed. and i dunnoe what's wrong with this stupid com! it won't load icq2go for me! so i can't kacau hui yin!!! grrr...instead i'm hearing loads of ppl talking around me. the comp lab was nearly empty when i got here 15 minutes ago and now it's full. and noisy.
sigh. i have a presentation to do on wednesday morning. and i need a textbook to answer the question. and...the 2 reserved copies at the lib is gone! grrr...hope it will be back on the shelf later...if not..."me-too!!!" can i borrow ur photostated copy of chapter 22 of the "issues in financial accounting" please??? please please please. hahaha if i need it i call you tonight ok?
i think i did enough of relaxing during the weekend. so from this week onwards...after my presentation that is, i'm gonna study really really really hard! i hope. hui yin!!! help me!!!!
ugh. my left shoulder still hurts.'s not the same shoulder ache as last week. i was being a lazy oaf and just injured it, that's all.
okie...not much to write today. i'll just go back to checking out ppl and testimonials on friendster! yes...i got nothing to do ok? i checked all my emails already... and ppl's blogs.


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