Saturday, August 07, 2004

My daddy

hehehe i just finished talkin to my dad on msn. sent him the pics of my honey bear and teddy bean. this was what he said when he saw honey bear

Daddy: hey...this one got no eyes
Me: hehehe's sorta closed.
Daddy: like sleeping all the time (then he put an emoticon with a yawning face)
Me: don't tell me ur going to take ur morning nap now
Daddy: oh... i finally woke up at 9. mum went for walk alone
Me: hehhe yea she told me. how come so late?
Daddy: somethimes we feel "blah" in the morning. no michelle to cheer me up :D (at this point of time i couldn't help grinning...)
Me: heheh yea rite...
Daddy: ok i going down to iron a shirt now.

it's been a good day so far. woke up a bit late...did a bit ofwork. had lunch and now jus chillin. lots of ppl online now. quite cold today, it's been raining and there's no sun.

last night, the girls were in my room watching charlie's angels that was on tv. after that, smarty pants amy wanted to go for a walk cos last night there was a great nightline. so we went out in the blistering cold...and where did we walk to? jus out of the front door, at the side of the road. RITE... but it really was a nice night. plenty of stars, clear sky but the moon was nowhere near in sight. so we stood out there for like 5 minutes talking with an indian accent in the middle of the road. hehe

mmm gonna take some pics soon so i will put some up here.
till next time, have a great weekend people.


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