Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's been a long day

I'm so tired.
Was out the whole day and had this horrendous trip back home in the bus.
It was so full that we had to stand.
My feet, not to mention my arms, are aching thanks to the funny exercises I had to do to prevent myself from falling over and knocking someone off their seat.
Also, I think 2 girls had front row seats to my butt. So yea...
It was raining the whole day. Spring is just too weird in Melbourne. One day it's freaking hot and the next it will be windy, cold and rainy.
I read this in some mag from a pharmacy:
"Research in Germany found that people who juggled for 10 minutes a day for 3 months increased their brain size by 3%."
Hah. I'm so gonna start juggling now. Errr, make that tomorrow.


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