Saturday, October 22, 2005

My 21st

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
I wake up with a jolt. With my heart pounding, synchronised with the knocks.
*what the...* was all I could think of.
Now I know how Amy feels to be disturbed in her sleep.
I see someone that looks remotely like Felicia at my door (wasn't wearing my specs...).
"I lost my key. Can you give me the spare key?" she said.
"Mmm" I mumbled.
As I search for her key in my messy drawer, I hear a chorus of people singing "Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu..." You know the rest of the song.
*slaps forehead*
There they were, standing at my doorway with a cake.

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Do you know what's the first thought to run through my mind? It was how everyone was dressed exactly like they were earlier in the night while I was in my pyjammas. Meaning that, in all the photos, I'm in my pyjammas. So we ate the cake, yakked for a while. Got a call from Lynn, thanks!!! And all this while I was still half asleep. That is until they left. Was wide awake then. So I decided to look at the photo album they gave me with captions and photos. Someone spelt my chinese name wrongly!!!
So only managed to drift of to sleep again at 3 something only to be woken up at 9 something with an sms. Followed by a call from my parents.
I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to my friends and hostelmates (in no apparent order): Yin, Amy, Syl, Felicia, Thilini and Sangee. Thank you so much. I have to say that it was a surprise and I didn't suspect anything. Which means that you guys are great actresses! I have to be careful now... Thanks for the presents, the memories...everything! Love you guys!
Thank you Lynn, Su-Li and Tim for the card and voucher from Borders!!!
Thank you Winky for the sms and sorry to disappoint you but you didn't wake me up. Better try next time...
Thank you Sue Ling bue ling for the "Woo hoo" card. Some people are so observant! Meet up soon yah! Winky... you too.
Thank you Melanie! I'm touched you remembered my bday! Miss ya!
Thank you Jenny Menny for waking me up this morning. Wonder if you still read my blog...Missing you too!
Thank you Daddy for smsing me! I sure do hope you're not reading this. And for calling me after that to sing to me! Thank you Mommy for sounding so funny on the line (since you're sick. I thought u just woke up like me). Thank you for the card!
Thank you koko for smsing me too eventhough you called me at 11 pm last night to wish me in advance in case you forgot to call me today.
Ai Chuet!!! Thank you! We have to meet up soon!
TJ. Who wished me the moment I came online. Thank you.
Christineeeee! Thanks for the birthday wish!
To Jamie who I haven't seen since schooling days and who I've known since I was 10. Thank you for the wishes.
To Joleen, yet another old friend since young. Was surprised to hear from you but nevertheless thank you!
Thanks Steph! But so far none of my wishes came true yet!
Thanks May for calling me! On the right day this time!
To everyone else who I have forgotten to mention, thank you!!!
And for the rest of you whom I didn't hear from...what happened?! LOL. I'm just kidding... You still have 7 more hours to wish me. Ok, I'm just kidding. Seriously.
I would also like to thank friendster for having that nifty birthday reminders.
I feel very blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends.
And just like I and everyone predicted, no one got me anything from my birthday list. Hahaha...
Turning 21 ain't that bad. Age is but a number. As long as I'm a child at heart.
ALL THE BEST for those who are sitting for examinations! We can do it! For some of you it will be your final exams of your uni life, you're nearly there! And I'm not happy cos some of you will be leaving me!!!

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Ain't I pretty...Thanks Ams.


Blogger Super Steph said...

Hey michelle, my mum's sore that i didnt wish you on her behalf. My family says happy birthday too :) You should feel honored. My mum forgot Auntie Marge's birthday (her own sista!!) hahah! Did your dad remember? God Bless!

12:15 AM  
Blogger michymich said...

Hey steph...
Haha thank them for me please! dad forgot too!
Somehow he only seems to remember your mom's and uncle bin boy's.
Take care!

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey girl... happy birthday. didnt know it was... ncie to know your frens are creative. lol. too bad no pics. have tons of fun this year. tehre's nothing like being 18 and 21. :)

2:48 PM  

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