Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tag Tag Tag

Ten years ago I was...
in Primary 5, having fun with this group of friends. We ended up being classmates from Primary 4 till 6. Hmmm, wonder what happened to us...

Five years ago I was...
in Form 4. The supposedly "honeymoon year". Turned 16. Now I wish I was 16.

One year ago I was...
probably whining about my assignment and how exams are near and how I was gonna turn 20 and how my laptop died on me. and and and...

Yesterday I was...
a good girl. Hahaha. Watched Scrubs and the repeat of Australian Idol since I missed it the night before. Did some work. Ended up going out for dinner. Came back and watched the new episode of Grey's Anatomy! Then, talked to my friends bout plans for a friend's birthday.

3 snacks I enjoy...
The usual chips (at the moment it's Twisties' Bag of Bones)
Choc Chip Cookies!

5 songs I know all the words to...
what?! 5?! 5?! How am I suppose to narrow down to just 5?! Fwine fwine. I've decided to select it randomly by playing my playlist.
1. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
2. Breathe by Michelle Branch
3. Burn by Tina Arena
4. Mungkin Nanti by Peter Pan
5. Collide by Howie Day

5 things I would do with a 100 million dollars...
give my parents some. If my brother's nice to me I'll give him some too :p. Donate to charity. Buy a house. Buy a BMW. Buy both handphones that I want. Buy my iPod. Buy a drum set. And err, buy some stuff that I want which I can't think of at the top of my head. And keep the rest in the bank and watch it grow.

5 bad habits...
Rite. What makes you think I'm going to tell you my bad habits?!?! I errr, like to play with my lil' finger, am amazed at how smooth it is (do not give me a look). I like to play with my hair. Hahaha, I can't think of 5. I'm not aware of ALL my bad habits. So you people tell me.

5 biggest joys...
1. Me familia cos at the end of the day I can always count on them.
2. My friends.
Hmmm, what are my biggest joys...

5 places I would runaway to...
1. To a place where the grass is always green.
2. Somewhere that has twinkling stars every night.
3. Home.
4. Errr, Hui Yin's room?
5. Or I could just let my feet take me where ever.

5 things I would never wear...
1. Heels more than errr 2 inches?
2. Aiyahhh there are LOTS of things I would never wear.

5 favourite tv shows...
1. Gilmore Girls (high five Sue!!!)
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Friends
4. Smallville
5. Once a Thief

5 fictional characters I would date...
hahah like Sue said, they're fictional.

People I'm tagging...
Look to the right. You see the list of names there? YOU got tagged. Now make me proud. Heh.


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