Sunday, October 02, 2005

So pissing...

What a time for MSN to be down.
The assignment that's due tomorrow- not done. In fact, since the meeting this morning we probably haven't added anything to the assignment. Sucks.
If it was an individual assignment, I would just simply do in hope that what I submitted would get me some marks instead of just stalling and keep wondering how to fix some problem. Ok. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
PLUS. How come I'm not able to open the documents that my group mates sent to me! They on the other hand, are not experiencing any problem.
Now I have to go to the lib yet again tomorrow morning. And I'm the one responsible for putting the whole assignment together. Lalalala. Goin' crazy over here. And there's this stupid show on tv now, "Dude, where's my car?"
*breathe* It's alright. It'll all be over in less than 24 hours.

aahhh finally managed to get the files to compile them. I think we might be over the word limit. From not enough words to too many.


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