Saturday, September 17, 2005


Finally, all my tests are over. So I treated myself. By watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on tuesday right after my test. It's a really good show. Quite hillarious too. But the other patrons were just too, stony? No one really laughed except for Syl and I. Haih...
Watched The Perfect Man yesterday. It was alright. The usual movie with the predicatble ending. I forgot that Carson Kressley (in case you're wondering who in the world he is, he's one of the Fab Five. you know...from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?) had a minor role in it. As usual, he was just being his usual self.
I went on this crazy shopping spree yesterdaywith Hui Yin. It must have been all the days of being cooped up in my room and library that made me do this. I am now 100 bucks poorer. Aiyaiyaiyai. My shopping habit is such that when I start buying stuff, it takes a great deal for me to stop. Er, I's really hard for me to stop. I mean why would a great deal stop me from buying more. Lalala..I'm just babbling.
So a total AUD100 spent on a pair of thongs(ei, thongs = slippers over here) and err 5 shirts. *Shhh* Don't tell my mommy.
So just when I thought my day ended with shopping (nonono, i didn't shop more ok...) we went to uni again after getting home for like 10 minutes. Cos, Syl managed to get us some last minute tickets to this mooncake festival thingy organised by a few clubs in uni. Last minute, as in REALLY REALLY last minute. Anywho, managed to eat some mooncake and was entertained by a few talented singers. Including this guy who played the er-hu.
I took this pic a while ago and forgot that I had it in my camera.

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It's suppose to be hailing...

On the way home yesterday from shopping, Hui Yin and I saw a rainbow! So the moment we got back, I went to grab my camera and started snapping away.
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The right side of it
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The left side
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The no side of it. I meant...the centre of the rainbow.
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If your eyesight is real good, you can see a double rainbow.

One more week till holidays. I will survive.


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