Thursday, August 04, 2005

I know I've said this many many times before...but what the heck! Melbourne's weather is crazeee! One minute it will be pouring and the next, the glorious sun comes peeking out from behind the grey clouds. And of all the times to rain, it had to be when I was walking to class. Ish.
Watched "The Island" the other night. It was a good show minus the parts where Amy was clinging onto my arm. But there were some parts where it was a bit errr, gory? Well not really. But it just makes ur face cringe. Also, for every minute of that movie (well most of it), I had to somewhat hold my breath cos I didn't know what was coming up next!
Nothing much to write about... Apparently Tuesday is suppose to be a good day for me. We'll see...
p/s: Yin, stop being sien and go to sleep!


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