Monday, July 04, 2005


June has come and gone. July's here. Have yet to adjust the date on my watch. It's one day behind. I'm tooooo darn lazy.
Ulcers are annoying, irritating and downright painful. Stupid bloody ulcer has been there for a week already. It's quite big and I dislike brushing my teeth since its existence cos not only does the toothpaste sting it, so does the head of my toothbrush. *grumble grumble*
Was washing my dad's car yesterday evening with my dad. When I saw this man, in a sarong, looking at me. He was standing beside this tree just outside my gate, probably thinking that he could camouflage with his sarong or something. I was like "What the...?" Cos I remember vaguely that a few years ago, there was this man who kept ringing my neighbour's doorbell claiming that he's my neighbour's brother or something. My neighbour was working and so only his washerlady was in. She got frightened cos she think he's a nut. Yea, so I sorta freaked out but not that much since my dad was with me. But he was oblivious to the fact that the sarong man was looking at us washing the car since his back was towards him. So I ignored him and turned my back against him, hoping that by the time I turn around again, he'll be gone. Yep, I turned around moments later to find him walking into a house 3 doors away from me. Seriously, if he had stayed there any longer and came closer, I would have probably come close to thwacking him with the dirty rag I was using. HMPH.
Told my mom bout that. And she said he's the one! The one what?
He's the blinking dummy, who blows his car horn every freaking morning just before 9.30 am. Not just once, but many many times. Apparently he's been doing this for years. And apparently, he blows his car horn to hurry his son, who's like 20 over years old. BAH.
Seems that last week, my neighbour from 2 doors away on the other side, got so sick of the noise, he walked over in his pyjamas to give the sarong guy a piece of his mind (my dad saw it while watering the plants, yesh, I'm sure he really was and not just pretending). HAH! Serves him right. Also, my immediate neighbour was seen speaking to him one morning too. But I guess he's not taking heed to any of the complaints is he? BAH.
My mom says he even goes for morning walks in his sarong. Ugh, of all things to see early in the morning.
Lalala, ok no more bout that sarong guy.
Thunder can be deceiving. For the past few days, there has been plenty of thunder in the afternoon. *badaboom here badaboom there* BUT where's the rain?!


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