Thursday, June 23, 2005


So....managed to watch a few movies on the flight home.
Now MAS has this on demand feature where you can start the movies anytime you want. You are even able to pause it, rewind, fast forward etc.
Yesh, it might not be anything new to some of you (esp Yin, Amy and Syl) but it is to me!
I think they had more movies and shows on than usual. But, I've already watched some of them but I managed to watch Sepet. It's a Malaysian made movie which is not too bad. Just that I didn't like the ending! I was sorta a bit clueless when I watched the ending. So, would anybody care to explain the ending to me?
Went to 1 Utama yesterday. Main reason was to tag along with my mom for this cooking demo. Some flour company was giving a demo on how to make Mexican Buns (Rotiboy, sort of...) and errr, Yau Char Kway. So there I was, admist a whole bunch of errr, not so young ladies. The demonstrater was this man who kept making corny jokes but the ladies found them funny. Oh well, wrong age group I guess. He was even remarking about how in different countries, the length of the Yau Char Kway varies. *Ahem* Let's just say that he said that in a way that my mom was nudging me and smilling. *Ahem* Amy, maybe you would know what I'm talking about.
Haven't done much yet. Been watching tv, brushing up on my horrible Cantonese, sorta cleaning up after my parents since they're sick. So, my house is a dangerzone filled with the Malaysian AND Australian flu germies.
Dum dee dum...
Have nothing more to say...
Oooo! I injured my lil toe. I was trying to be this superheroin and lug my luggage up the stairs with a bottle of water in my pocket. Managed to go halfway before the darn bottle fell and hit my toe! Immediately, blood started gushing out. My gosh, I just stood there and stared for a while until my mom came outta her room to ask me something. Oh well, at least I got to wear a plaster. Hehehe
Then before I went to bed, it got a lil emotional for me. Was not due to my toe ok. I realised that my baby pillow was missing! Baby as in not that I had since I was a baby, but baby in the sense that it's small in size. So I went round my room, opening my cupboards, rummaging through my brother's room and his cupboards, even sneaked downstairs to check the guest room (sneaked cos my mom is a light sleeper so I didn't want to wake her up) etc. The next morning, I asked my mom and she told me it's in my cupboard. ALAMAK. I went to check again, and yep it was buried in the middle of my clothes. BAH.
Alright, am off to bed. Gonna read a bit of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. So far so good.
p/s: Yin! Is it Anna anna bo banna, banana fanna fo fanna, me my mo manna...Anna?! You're suppose to write it down for me!


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