Saturday, June 18, 2005

*Sniff sniff*

Yep yep, I have a cold. BAH. Of all the times to get it, especially since I'm heading home soon.
It's Father's Day tomorrow! So If you've forgotten to get something, I'm sure he wouldn't mind receiving a handmade card. Ok, an e-card is easier.
Would have sent a real card but Australian's only celebrate it in September. Can't remember why though...
Sigh, think my head is hurting from all those nose-blowing sessions I've been having the past 2 days.
It's nice going for a walk at night in the cold. It made my nose run a lil' thus making it not so stuffy. Ok, maybe that was too much information to give out.
Yay! It's Sunday tomorrow. And after that it's Monday! Exam day! Then, Tuesday comes along!
It's good that it's going to be Sunday cos, they're showing the finale of Everybody Loves Raymond.
Monday is both good and bad. Bad that I have an exam on the day it's forecasted to rain and is going to be a high of 13 degrees only. Another bad thing, my exam is multiple choice. I HATE multiple choice. You either get it right, or wrong. So, goodbye to the lil marks that you can be given here and there just in case your final answer is wrong. Plus, there's negative marking for the true/false questions. And some questions are like 3 marks each while the rest are 5 marks each. I guess there is a good side to that since I can just "tembak" if i'm not sure and I have a 25% chance of getting it right. But it will be good( after 4.40pm that is) since it's my last exam for the semester.
Tuesday is definitely good!
Alright, I've gotta go crack my head on this topic that I don't understand.
I don't like you...binomial option pricing. Bleh...


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