Sunday, June 05, 2005

The beginning

My first paper of the year is tomorrow afternoon. Prefer it to be in the morning, so that you know, you wake up, get it over and done with and you have the rest of the day to do something else. On the other hand, you have to wake up very early! Early...meaning, 7 am I think. It's been a year since I had a morning paper, if I remember correctly.
So the next paper's on Thursday and then Friday morning.
ARGHHH!!! 3 papers in one week.
All I have to say is...At least, I'm not having 4 papers in one week!
It's been a long time since I actually sat down and studied for a few hours.
I keep hearing myself creak (as in joints and what not...) whenever I turn a page or get something.
BAH. Don't say that I'm old!
Alright, have to go study somemore.
To everyone having exams, ALL THE BEST! Let's hope that we'll remember what we've studied and use it to answer the questions correctly!
p/s: Thanks to Felicia, the mystery is solved. It's the reflection from the words from my tv. "digitor" is the word. That's the brand of my tv.


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