Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I don't know why, but I woke up today with an uneasy feeling.
Felt like I had butterflies in my tummy.
Like something bad was about to happen.
Was trying to figure out why I was feeling this way, but could not come up with anything.
No test today, nothing due today.
It's just suppose to be an ordinary Wednesday.
On the way to uni, I was stopped by this 2 chinese girls. One of them started talking to me in Chinese, she wanted to ask for directions. But before she could go on, her friend stopped her and asked if I understood Mandarin. Me, being a banana, of course said I do not understand but in actual fact I did understand what she said in Mandarin. Anyway, they were just some lost sheep asking for directions to a street that I've never heard before.
After that, it was a normal day for me. Then in my tute, there was this Chinese girl who was from another tute but joined mine for the day. She sat next to me. And kept glancing back at me every now and then. Now, I say glancing BACK cos we were sitting in a U shape formation. So effectively, if she turned to look at me, she would be glancing BACK cos I was sitting a far bit away from the table. She kept passing comments to me about what the tutor was saying. And if my ears did not fail me, I could have sworn that she spoke a sentence in Mandarin to me!
Lesson: It's not that I don't understand Mandarin, I do. I can vaguely make out what you're trying to say. So if you do try to talk bad bout me, you had better not do it in Mandarin.
It's really weird, some people assume that I understand Mandarin just cos I'm chinese, while some assume that I don't understand Cantonese. I was once in this tute and always sat with this 2 Hong Kong girls cos we're in the same group. They're always conversing in Canto. So I would just eavesdrop in what they're saying. It's not that I wanted to, but they were just talking in front of me and so, I just listened. That's what ears are for. They finally caught on one day cos I was sort of laughing to what one of them had said.
Alright, after that, nothing peculiar happened. Oh wait, I saw this girl from my lecture twice within one hour. In two completely separate places.
Anyway, on the way home, I have to cross this "highway". Waited patiently while this humongous truck made a U-turn at the traffic light. Some drivers are really brave. They could see that huge ass truck coming but yet 3 cars went ahead before the truck. Ok wait, this is a bit hard to explain if you have no idea what road I'm talking about. Let's just say, the one thing that freaked me out was that the last of the 3 cars should not have cut in front of the truck.
Firstly, he had one hand on the wheel only cos he was talking on his bloody hand phone. He actually had to make a left turn and he was accelerating(no idea how to spell this) and his tyres screeched cos he nearly hit the curb where I was standing. That was the first time I had a whiff of burnt rubber tyres. Crazy ass of a driver.
Lesson: Always stand a few feet away from the curb. Just in case.
As the day draws to an end, so does the uncomfortable feeling. Please go away, and don't ever pay me a visit for no particular reason.
"Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are
You live with all your faults"
Goo Goo Dolls - Slide


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