Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Weekend thus far (Happy Mother's Day!!!)

My brother came to see me. He bought something for me! It's an easter choc egg set by Arnott's (biscuit company). It's tiny teddy, this biscuits in the shape of teddy bears. Included was 4 egg holders, with a picture of a bear on it! And of course 4 choc eggs. I'm crazy bout bears so I'm guessing that's the reason why he bought it. He even said they were cute. Just to bring him down, I said"Haih, I bought this on the day after easter right??? When it was 50% off?!" I was right! He also gave me the 4 latest episodes of Smallville! Alright! *pumps fist in the air*
Didn't have enough sleep the night before. Woke up early to go grocery shopping with the girls, oh whoops, not only the girls, but Damien too. 3 of them, Yin, Syl and Damien slept at 7 am and woke up at 9.30am! So I went shopping with 3 blur ppl!
Sunday (today):
Woke up at 6am!!! What on earth was I doing up so early??? To support Amy and Syl who ran in the Mother's Day Classic which they have every year. It's to raise funds for The Breast Cancer Foundation. So there we were, 6 of us in total, dragging ourselves to Richmond (near the city) in a cab since there was no train service that early. It was incredibly cold and freezing, it was 6/7 degrees! So we were just standing around cursing how our hands were numb and having fun blowing smoke outta our mouth! But it was a good experience.
CONGRATULATIONS to AMY and SYL for not letting us down and for finishing the 4km run the fastest you could!
After lunch (Vietnamese food...yum!) we walked around for a bit. Went to Nike Melbourne and I saw my brother there! I was like..."Oh Shit!" and tried to hide away. Well, he didn't notice me anyway and I had to call out to him. Kena from him...cos I didn't tell him I was going to the city.
OH WELL. *shrugs*
A bit tired now, but I'm waiting for my second lunch ( greedy!nah it's just that we had lunch at 10am!ok, not lunch...brunch.). Got church later, then it's steamboat time! Can't wait! Haih, then tomorrow I'll have to work on my assignments! So dead...
"What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time"
Taken from Lifehouse - You and me


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