Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Computers hate me!

I intended to blog yesterday afternoon but blogger was down.

Anywho, let me get the frustating stuff out of me first.Came back at 2 today. Turned on the comp cos I wanted to print out something. Everything was fine. Till my clumsy hand whacked my cup of water on the table, next to my laptop.*SHIT*! I went. Cos this was the second time in a week I did that. I'm such a dumb-ass.Then I noticed that my computer screen is blank.
*Uh-oh*. That is DEFINITELY not a good sign.So I tried to turn it on but nothing works. OMG. Deja-vu. That happened to my previous laptop (and since thenHp/Compaq has been on my black list.). So I started cursing out of mere anger and frustation. You should have heard me, or maybe not. But GOD heard me so...SORRY!So I went to find the DELL Technical Support number. Found it. Dialled the toll free number and got the operator, as usual.Press 1 if bla bla bla...Waited for a while for someone to speak to me. Got this indian guy. A very helpful guy. After being on the phone for like 15 minutes, and after he told me to check this and that, we finally got it to work!
*HALLELLUJAH*You should have heard me when he asked if I was satisfied with the service. OF cOURSE I WAS! And he told me to fill in an e-survey for him, which I will if he does send it to my email.*PHEW* I am so relieved that nothing's wrong with my lil' laptop now. And rest assured, the cup will have a restraining order of at least a foot away from my comp.


I got a letter yesterday (yipee!). Recognised the handwriting.Was my dad's and as usual he didn't put the return address on it. But after finding out what was inside, I'm really glad he didn't.Could feel that it was a cd inside.I opened it, only to find these words staring back at me :Sponge meets world.I just burst out laughing to myself.
OMG. My dad ACTUALLY sent "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie" to me!!! I already watched it on the plane on the way back here.But he bought it the day after I left. Told him it's quite a silly movie and I thought he was joking when he said hewanted to send it to me.And I didn't notice that it was spongebob cos there's a DTS sticker stuck right on spongebob.He sent it to me cos he thought it was a horrible show. Rite...

Had a change of lecturer for a subject today. Nonono...it's not cos he wasn't good or anything, although he makes lame jokeslike speaking a lil chinese since he's from Singapore. It's just that for certain topics we get diff lecturers. My current one,I actually thought he was going to be this old man just like the previous one. Also because he's the unit leader it made me think even more that he was going to be old. BUT noooo...Su-Li said something bout him being her friend's friend's brother.And he's actually quite young! Only in the late twenties (i think). And he is much better. He's actually interesting and for once i didn't actually feel sleepy! I actually listened properly to what he was saying.

Okley doakley (in true Ned Flander's style). That's all folks. I've got a 20% mid semester test on thursday, so wish me luck!I think I reallyyy need it.
Till next time, toodles.


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