Monday, March 14, 2005

Hui Yin and her giant peach! Monday, Monday...

It was a rather hot weekend. From friday it was extremely hot. how hot u say? well, yesterday afternoon it was 35 degrees! well at least it's a bit cooler today. or is that because i'm at home? but although it didn't reach its forecasted 33 today, my room was just too warm. that was until i left my door open. but i've closed it now. because... there's this huge spider outside hui yin's door. and since her room is like 10 steps away...*o*
heh, now let me tell you bout the story of "Hui Yin and her giant peach." nope, it doesn't have anything to do with her sailing the sea in a giant peach. thinking about her episode just makes me laugh over and over again... ok well. she bought 3 giant peaches which costs around $1 each. on the way home in the bus, almost reaching our stop, her plastic bag containing her peach decided to roll around, causing one of her beloved peach to roll out of the bag and to goodness knows where! i turned around to see this old lady kicking her foot around. and hui yin decided not to look for it cos she didn't want it anymore (dirrrty peach, ewww!).

nothing much to say. and this song has been playing in my head! my shoulder's acting up again. so that's all folks!
Monday, Monday
So good to me.
Monday, Monday
It was all I hoped it would be.


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