Saturday, February 19, 2005

"I shouldn't have worn this sandals."
Yes, mom. How right you were.
That's what she said on the way to church.
She didn't sit together with my bro and I cos she was on duty.
She came towards me with a sheepish smile.
"Look. It broke. Heh." *smile smile*
So guess with whom did she switched footwear with?!
AND before that she was commenting on how my sandals matched perfectly with what she was wearing.
My mom's friend who was sitting in front went, "Aiks. Poor thing. No extra shoe? You(meaning me) can wear? Aih. You've got big feet."
So yea, I TRIED to wear her sandals with the strap dangling from the right side which were TWO sizes too small for me.
Decided to go barefoot after that. Haih.
Whereas, mom was trying to walk properly with sandals that were two sizes to big for her.
My brother was of course snickering and laughing.
Moments later, we were going to sing a song and this was part of the song:
Someone slipped and fell
Was that someone you?

Ok, I know that they prob didn't mean it literally but it just had to appear at the right time. That made my brother laugh even harder.
"Shouldn't have said that your sandals matched my clothes. I think that caused my strap to break."
That's what she said after dinner.
Mind you, before this, the strap on the LEFT side broke but she got it fixed and now the other side had to go. So, she's dumping the sandals (i hope).
Dad even noticed that this was her 2nd time she's left with a broken strap.
I pity my toes. Within a week I've managed to hurt 3 of them. Woke up last Friday in Penang with something funny that had happened to my right lil toe. On Monday, scrapped it on the curb . Didn't even know it was bleeding till hours later on the way back my mom said "It's bleeding." There was a black patch. Yep, dried blood. And yesterday i banged my 2nd toe in the bathroom. Still find it weird that my 2nd toes are much longer than my big toes.
Msn is screwed up again. My brother just signed in. BUT he's bathing. BAH. doesn't matter anyway.
Oh, MISS AMY! what's this i hear bout you bringing 4 luggages back to Melb and also with your mom in tow?! WOMAN! are so gonna get an earful from my alliance and I(not to mention everyone else...) if we find out that you brought useless stuff over. So erm, see you on saturday? AND you had better not be sleeping when we get back! We as in Syl, Yin and I, you blur pig.


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