Friday, February 04, 2005

Heh. My bro had his first(i think) accident today. nothing major. can hardly even see a scratch. he said the other person was a lady so not so bad. heh.

went to get my "face thingys". you know the err, toner and what not from the skin specialist. am only able to get that specific brand from the dermatologist(did i spell that right?) and since my mom said that it's working fine for me, i should just continue using it. my bro nearly flipped when he heard how much was spent.

oh, on the way back from the clinic, my mom was complaining how the other drivers didn't know how to move when the light changed to green yada yada...i was just listening to the song on the radio. and she said "TRAFFIC JAM" the exact same time Alanis Morisette sang "TRAFFIC JAM". the song was Ironic. heh, my mom didn't believe me. wasn't that ironic?

February is here. can't believe i'll be heading back to Melbourne in 3 weeks. where did my holiday go?! read in the papers today that it was raining heavily over there for nearly the whole day. what a summer...
k then. enjoy your weekend! those who are balik kampungin do take care and drive safely!


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