Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I absolutely HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE (use whatever hate equivalent word here) parking ticket machines! UGH! Somehow...it...manages...to...piss...me...off! Don't ask...
Have you ever noticed how escalators for you to walk on are usually on the left side instead of the right? Well, was at my aunt's place last night after her bday dinner and her friend told us how she always manages to try to use the one that is actually meant for the opposite direction.
Get my drift? No? Alright then, imagine this...
You want to go up to the next floor. Some escalators are side-by-side (for both directions) and usually the one on the left is the one that you should use. But for some reason, a few places like The Curve, has the escalators on the right side. While other at the same place too, are on the left side. I mean, COME ON! Standardisation man! (Not sure if I spelled that correctly.) Save some of us the embarassment of attempting to go up an escalator that is meant for people to go down. It's just automatic. I mean, we drive on the left side, most of us walk on the left side...
As you can tell, I have nothing else to complain about. So if you don't get what I'm trying to say, sorry...I'm not that good at explaining stuff.
Nywho, it's hot and I want to go shower and I think I ate too much today. BAH.


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