Monday, February 28, 2005

Hell-o Melbourne...

Goodness. It's burning up here in Melbourne. I know I was complaining that it was hot in KL but it's bad here too! The worse part is that there are no clouds here! Aaaahhh...Oh well, at least it's cooler at night.
The flight back was fine since I slept most of the way. Slept through some parts of the first time I was watching The Spongebob Squarepants movie and totally slept through Finding Neverland. I so wanted to watch that but hey, sleep is more important eh?
Saw a few familiar faces on the same flight. Hey SL and KW...Cheer Beam was on the same flight as me and sat nearby!
You know what happened at the immigration at the airport in Melbourne? Somehow my passport could not be scanned so I had to go to this corner where there were a few other people with the same problem. That sorta scared me.
Yipee! I get Monday's off. I'd rather have Fridays off cos Yin and Felicia's off on Friday but oh well, can't complain since I have at least a day off. *In your face Amy!* heh, just kidding ok...
I'm sorta sleepy now. It was either the big lunch, the weather or the fact that I could hardly sleep last night. Nope, no napping for me. Waiting for Yin to get back so we can play baddy later!
Goodbye, bumming around. Hello, books. *groan*
Have a good week.


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