Sunday, April 03, 2005

My early morning ordeal

It was incredibly hot yesterday that I had my fan switched on the whole day. And it's suppose to be autumn! It was like 30 degrees yesterday (i think) but it was unbelievably windy.
It was windy the whole night too. So windy that the ceiling and walls creaked with each gust of wind. And the wind, is mighty strong.
Woke up to the sound of my handphone beeping once. I didn't know that it beeps to signal that it has finished charging. Saw my hp clock :3.20 am. Looked at my alarm clock: 12.00 (and it was blinking). Realised that I could hardly feel my fan so I thought that , "Oh. There was a power cut. So my fan stopped working." can't blame me for thinking that way at an ungodly hour. I know, if the the electricty came back on, my fan should be working as usual. So I unwillingly got up, to check it and found that it was still moving but at a very slow speed, even slower than usual. So I switched the fan speed. BUT, no matter which speed I put it at, it was still at the same slowww speed. I was thinking, "GREAT. My fan is broken."
I was feeling a bit hot and my nose was all stuffed up cos my room was just too stuffy. EVEN with the wind howling outside like nobody's business. So, I had to drag my fan nearer to my bed. Went back to sleep.
Kept waking up and dozing off cos the mighty wind was just a bit scary for me. Tried to cover my head with my blanket to block out the sound but it was just too hot. So, I went to close my window. I STILL felt hot and stuffy. And I could hardly sleep cos the wind just made the trees sway about madly. As though they were all gonna tumble and fall. EEEK. Nose was still stuffy.
It was 5.10 in the morning when Hui Yin called me. The moment she said ,"Hi Michelle." I saw that some lights outside turned on.
I was a bit puzzled cos at the same time, my fan ran at it's correct speed. I always thought that you will either have power or none. No in between. Oh well, maybe it was some backup thingy.
So I got off the phone and went back to sleep. Can still hear the wind and kept thinking, "Oh. Just rain already!" It did. For a while I think.
Then, my fan started making some funny noises. It was interrupting my sleep. So I got up again, and changed the fan speed. Still making the noise. Turned it off. And hoped that my nose won't get stuffed up again.
Everything was fine then, till I woke up at 11. Whoops...Heh.
I checked the weather just now. The wind was travelling at 40km/h at one point.*WhoosH*
It's all dark now. It is SO gonna rain. DARN. Have to carry my brolly along when I go to church later.
The Pope passed away early this morning. It's all over the news. I bet back home, they won't broadcast much about it.
p/s: If anyone would like to know, my fan is all fine now. No more funny noises. Just had to screw something back properly.


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