Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A whole lot of nothing

My test didn't go well. But then again, I've never came out of a test feeling like I did a good job.
I think we pissed my tutor off just now. He asked who did the tute work and obviously none of us did anything since we had a test yesterday evening. And we were just blur throughout the whole entire tute. Well it was from 2-3. So he thought that we're tired and all. Actually it's pretty funny to see him get pissed off. Cos it's not really like he's angry or anything. It's just the way he reacts. Oh well... We have presentations each week and after today's he said: I'm going to ask you guys one question. I was like, "Uh oh. I have a bad feeling about this."
"What's my name?"
I was just staring at him like he lost his mind, thinking he was kidding. But he wasn't!
I sorta mumbled his name.
"Well, yesterday during the test, they left out my name on the list of tutors! So if you guys didn't write my name correctly..."
LOL. Actually yeah, they DID leave out his name. But I wrote his name correctly anyway.

Watched Hostage over the weekend. It's a pretty good show. Suspense. But if you feel uncomfortable at the sight of blood, then you should sit out on this one. There was this one scene, oh well I'll not spoil it for you. But let me just say, after that, I was just holding the side of my mouth.

I had a dream. Just this morning. I was this unwanted kid. Nobody wanted me. Not my family. Not my friends. No one. I felt so alone. Walked out of the house, crying, and came to this swimming pool that was out in the open. Look, I have no idea how come there's an open swimming pool in the middle of nowhere. The ironic thing was that, the pool was half filled with rubber duckies! What the...
Then I saw someone sitting at the side of the pool. Looking as miserable as I am. So I went over and joined him by the pool. No words were exchanged. We just sat there, staring into the big black sky. Then, this old chinese woman comes along. With her maid next to her I think. Then she just fell into the pool. And NO ONE moved to save her. So I jumped into the pool after giving the maid a dirty look, and went in after her. My goodness, I had no idea that the pool was so bloody deep. I just kept swimming deeper and deeper while she just kept falling like a brick. I couldn't really breathe underwater (duh!) but I could hear myself breathing heavily though. And that's alarm clock rang! I was like, what the...?!
Songs that have been in my head:
My Completeness by Thirsty Merc
Ooh Aah by Tamara
Eve, the apple of my eye by Bell X1
The Reason Why by Rachael Yamagata
When you tell me that you love me by Diana Ross
I love the new msn messenger! It's got such great functions. But I still can't get enough of the emoticons! I love the chick dancing! Cuteeeeeeee


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