Monday, July 25, 2005

Falls Creek

A 6 hour bus ride.
Which took 7 hours each way since we stopped for toilet breaks 3 times.
Left at 12 something am on friday morning. Reached Falls Creek at 7 am. It was freezing when we got down from the bus. So we dragged ourselves to some shelter to err, take shelter from the cold. And to wait till we could get to the lodge. Finally, an hour later we made our way up to the lodge. Up as in, we had to walk up slopes. Snowy, icy slopes. Wasn't easy I tell you. Had to leave our bags by the pool side. Which really wasn't a pool unless it was for ducks or something. Forgot to take a pic of the so called "pool".
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Welcome to Halley's Lodge
Then we got our ski gear, skis, poles, boots, parka, pants and goggles. In Amy's words, walking with the boots made you feel like you were Robocop.
All of us, except Yin, had never skiied before. So the moment we got our gear on, we decided to try skiing down this small slope. BIG MISTAKE. Amy went first and was screaming the whole way down. Next went Felicia who crashed somewhere near the bottom. Then after much delay, Yin , Syl and I were suppose to ski down together. But only Yin and I did. And I went "ARGHHHH!!!!" the whole way down. Or rather, halfway down. Since I fell. Oooh, that was not the first and last time I fell. Then I turned to see Syl still on top. And then I saw her move and she too screamed like mad. Apparently, she sorta slipped off the slope. So...after helping each other up we made our way to the ski lift. It took us ages to get there cos we tried walking in our skis but there were small slopes here and there. In the end, some of us just took off our skis and marched to the line.
I'm afraid of heights. And it's worse if I'm alone. I had to endure the whole entire ski lift ride on my own. I had my eyes closed the most of the time. BAH. When you get off the ski lift at the top of the mountain, you have to ski down and outta the way. Goodness me. I sorta skiied off thinking "Whee! I'm skiing!" but then I would have crashed into this sign board if it wasn't for this man who held his hand out to stop me. PHEW. So embarrassing! Luckily no one can really see my face since I had my goggles and beanie on.
Then we had this 2 hour class which I shortened it to 1.5 hours since I kept falling. It was no joke ok. Landed on my bum a few times. Had trouble with the darn skis. Yep, so you would have probably guessed that that was my first and last time skiing. Went back down for lunch. Yep, another ride down the ski lift. But luckily I sat with Yin so I didn't feel so bad. Had a nap which was unintentional after a shower. Then had a nice dinner. After a few games of pool, went to bed with an aching body.
Had to wake up early for breakfast. Yin and I stayed behind while the rest went up to ski. We walked a bit, found the souvenir shop, had a drink and took some photos. We chilled back in our room till it was lunch and till the rest got back. They went back up to ski again after lunch. By then it became foggy.
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Now you see it
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Now you don't
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Ski Lift
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Had a nice dinner that night. I think we were the only table that was drinking so much water and mind you, ours was the smallest. Had a late night cos we were playing pool and chatting at the lounge.
Woke up early again. Imagine...6 people sharing a bathroom! Gosh, it was still foggy! Terrible...visibility was low. Decided to walk around. Caught this village snow shuttle that took us to this place called "The Hub" or something like that. It was just this shop, supermarket and a small cafe. Decided to walk back. Wasn't a very good idea actually. Cos we had to climb up this 2 steep slopes. I was literally crawling uphill cos was so scared that I would slip and fall. Ishhh. But it was a good experience.
Saw this fella outside our lodge.
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Mini snowman
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Huge Snowman
Finally left around noon. A bit behind schedule cos it was foggy.
And that my friends, was my trip. Thankfully, we all came back in one piece but not without aches and bruises here and there.


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