Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ding ding!

Had a nice long sleep last night. Nearly 11 hours. Must have been due to my aching back.
It's still aching. Anyone knows how to err "crack" my back so I will feel more comfortable?
Now my shoulder is in pain. What the...And don't you say that I'm getting old. whole body has been creaking a lot today. STILL...
Oh I remember accidentally cracking my neck yesterday during lecture. I tell you the things that annoy me during this lecture and only during this subject's lecture is that:
1. Why does it take the whole entire lecture theatre to shut up only a minute after the lecturer says" Let's make a start." For goodness sakes, just SHUT UP! I pity the poor fella.
2. Now, just cos I pity him does not mean that I really like his way of teaching. He goes too slow! Thus making me fall asleep.
3. This happened yesterday. This girl, seating in front of me, KEPT and I mean KEPT, turning around! She must have been looking for a friend but to do it so often?! Another thing, this person behind me kept smsing. You know how annoying the button sounds can be when your trying desperately to not fall asleep and to listen to the lecturer?!
HAH. Now I don't feel so irritated.
Was reading my textbook for auditing but gave up. Firstly, I can't stand the lecturer for this topic. And also... how come there's a whole chunk of stuff from the textbook missing in the lecture notes?!?!?! LYNN. Do I still have to read it...
The next 2 weeks will be a bit of hell for me. 2 tests on thursday. 1 more on monday. Another on tuesday. Hopefully it will be easier for me to breathe after that. It should be since I finally get to watch Charlie and the Choc Factory (sorry Hui Yin, you've gotta wait!) and Red Eye (a gentle reminder to you Amy, not that you need one).
My brain feels squishy (don't say that I have no brain). I can't wait for the holidays...
p/s: for some strange reason, i'm craving for a banananana muffin.


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