Sunday, September 11, 2005


Seriously. The past two nights have been hell. Why is it that I have to stare at the ceiling for 2 hours before I can fall asleep? It's not like I'm going to bed earlier than usual, or later than usual. It's my normal time! And in the end I only manage to sleep for less than 8 hours because I will wake with a jolt when I find out that it's 10 something already.
Maybe it's this guilty conscience of mine. Telling me that I have so many things to study for my upcoming tests tomorrow and tuesday. Telling me that I should be hitting the books and not the haystack yet. Or maybe it's the thought of my test on thursday that's bugging me. I have this funny feeling that I will flunk it. Which is not good, since it's worth 25%. I know I should let go of this thought, but it's taking me longer than expected.
Which reminds me, I have to go "cry" in front of some people. Cos they were expecting one question to come up and it really did. I didn't really study that part cos there was no way I could memorise the whole entire thing. I only knew how to do half of it. So I guess, half is better than nothing, right?
Am currently now webcaming with May Poh! It's really funny cos we kept saying we HAVE to meet up when we go back (she's in Sydney) but for the past 3 years, that has never happened! I'm so happy to see her on the web-cam! Since I've been so used to see this face nearly everyday back in secondary school and college. That, is one of the wonders of the Internet my friends. But I guess the bad thing about it is that...hmmm, shall I blog about my embarassing moment.
Scenario: Was playing around with the new msn feature: the voice clip. The ability to send over voice clips with a mic.
Who: Was web caming with my dad with the sound and mic ON. And chatting to Hui Yin.
What: Hui Yin sent a voice clip to me something bout goodnight or "loolala". And so...I decided to send on in return. It's only polite to do so, see. So I err started saying good night and sang the looney tunes theme song. Moments later, my dad typed this : "Are you trying out for Australian Idol?"
I just sat there frozen for a moment. Wondering what he was talking about before it really hit me like a ton of bricks that he did in fact hear me recording that message. *bangs head on the wall* How stupid can I be?! Anyway, it's alright. Cos I'm sure I provided some entertainment to him.

I don't get some people. Who gives an excuse of "No time for you" as a break up excuse. Especially when you've been together for 4 years?! So what if you are in diff places to pursue your education?! BAH. And it's at times like this that I have not much to offer for consolation. Haih...

2 down. 2 more to go!

Gosh, there are so many movies that I want to watch!
Charlie and the choc factory, Red Eye...
Erm, I'm sure there are more just that I can't remember at the top of my head now. You have to understand stuff that's swirling around in my brain is all auditing or trading systems related.



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