Monday, May 31, 2004

one more week...

oh gosh. one more week. one more week. one more week till exams. time passes too quickly. *wooosh*
i can't believe that my lecturers are still having lectures on thursday!!! oh gosh...out of my 4 subjects, 3 of them still have lectures on thursday (i think).
and my tutor...the one that always go missing during my comp lab tutes, still hasn't finished grading our 2nd assignment. and she said "I'll have your marks posted on my door next week." *blink blink* *blink blink* i just kept blinking. HELLOOOOOOOO!!! our exam for this subject is on monday and you are telling us that you will have our assignment marks posted on your door next week?!?! *speechless* BAH.
didn't really had a productive weekend. yea sure...studied here and there. not much though.
watched the finale of American Idol 3 last night. now that i'm thinking bout it, i wish Diana won instead of Fantasia (yes hui yim..."Down with the ducks and up with the pigs")
i think that Fantasia's voice is a bit weird when she screams. like she has a scratchy voice. unlike Diana's, whoose voice jus sails smoothly. anyway...does anyone have Kazaa??? i removed it from my comp a couple of weeks ago to see if my comp would be better off without it, and yea it is but still not good enough. someone please download for me Diana's version of "I belive" and the song that Ruben, Diana, Fantasia and Kelly Clarkson sang together? please? please? please?
yes? no? maybe so? *looking at the comp screen with a hopeful face*


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