Tuesday, June 01, 2004

first day of winter

it's the 1st of june. begining of winter. and what other way to "welcome" winter than to have wintery weather today. the weather was similar to the one we had yesterday. jus take the sun shining out of the picture and that's the weather we had today. oh and put in stronger and colder winds. aaaahhh...there you have it. that's melbourne for you.
you know how we always say how time is passing too quickly. we always say that when assignments are due soon, when exams or tests are coming up, when we're having too much fun that we don't want it to end and etc. have you ever been in one or more situation where you were wishing time would just pass quickly? like when we're in a boring lecture and we just can't wait for it to be over.
or, have you been in a position where you wish time just stood still? so that the moment would just last forever?
ever counted how many times you have waited for things to happen? i totally agree with hui yin each and everytime when she says "We spend half of our life waiting for something." that is so totally true. it's either we're waiting for the bus to come, or for our friends to hurry up and get ready while the rest waits for that person (not talking of anyone in particular), waiting for loads of other stuff to happen.
i don't understand how one can sleep for more than 12 hours a day. there's only 24 hours a day. sleeping for more than 12 hours only leaves you with 12 hours to do whatever you're suppose to do. so basically, life is short. ENJOY LIFE. TODAY. since we don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. you never know...
thank you for taking time off to read my ramblings. i really appreciate it.
and in case you were wondering, no. i didn't watch "the day after tomorrow." well, some ppl wanted to me to post something for them to read. so....there. take care peeps!


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