Tuesday, September 07, 2004

1 down, 3 more to go...

so...what's down? my test. had a mid sem test jus now at 6 pm. YEP. at 6 pm. and why at such an hour? i dunno, y don't u ask Monash? 3 more assignments to go before break starts...sigh.

aahhh yes. you wanna see my new shoes? yes? yes? yes? no? i don't care... here it is.

nice nice nice??? yes...? no...? maybe so...?
parent's reaction:

Dad: why does your shoe look like it has ink spots?
Mom: it's ok. got flowers but it will get dirty quite fast.

and oh, din tell my bro. he'd prob say "Oh. ok. Y u buy for?"

mmm nothing much has been going on. just a bit busy with the assignments.


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