Sunday, August 22, 2004


i'm sorta terrified at this moment. no thanks to my dad. he sent me this stupid online test where it's suppose to test whether you are colour blind or something. AND i was nice enough to layan him and go to the website. when i saw it i was like, "Hmm... have i done this before?" they had numbers in a circle, with diff coloured dots. then came one which didn't have any number there and i clicked next and what happened?! this ugly terrifying face came up and there was a scream, "ARGHHHHH!" (yes hui yin, it's the same one we saw and we screamed like nobody's business till some ppl thought that we were hurt). no wonder my dad went off his msn as soon as i said i was doing it. ARGHHHHHHHHHH he's gonna get it from me when i call home later!!!

hmmm what happened to the coloured functions on blogger? it's gone! now i can't do diff coloured fonts no more.

k i gtg, jus had to blog bout that. church time...


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