Friday, August 13, 2004

It's a gloomy, windy day...

i jus had to blog today. don't you know what day it is today? yep it's friday. and yes.. i know tomorrow's the weekend. and yea... olympics opening ceremony will be early in the morning. it's friday the 13th! and what's the big hoo hah bout friday the 13th? no idea.

anyway...i woke up to a very dark morning today. and it started to rain. to make matters worse, the wind was blowing like nobody's business. GREAT. so i prayed that it will stop raining when it's time for me to walk to uni. and to my delight, it stopped! YAY!!! or so i thought. stepped out only to be greeted by the strong gusty winds. GREAT. there goes my hair flying all over the place. so i struggled all the way, braving the wind with the speed of 20km/h to get to the lecture hall. made it in one piece. then after that hurried back home. now i'm in the comfort of my room, enjoying my heater and my music.

i'm done with my assignment that's due on monday! oh yeah oh yeah *does a lil dance* more dancing.

ok people... enjoy your weekend!


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