Friday, August 20, 2004

Distraction during lecture

as you can see from the title, i had a lil distraction during lecture this morning. now...before any of you start thinking that some cutie pie caught my eye, you are wrong. there was this couple sitting in front of me. the guy was there first, waiting for his ermm girl. then she came, sat down and got all comfortable. and what happened next? he kissed her on the cheek, she kissed him yada yada...that went on for quite a few more kisses. then, he brings out a plastic bag filled with biscuits and 'encouraged' her to eat them. he of course also pigged out on the biscuits. all these when lecture has already started (and no...i don't think the kissy wissy part happened during the lecture. think it was before). anywho...then he offered her his water but she already has her own. then halfway through, he jus took her hand and whispered something. eh, now before u all start thinking, "Ish. this michelle aar...suppose to listen to the lecturer but go and kay poh and spy on other ppl." how not to see when they were jus in front of me?! and later on during the lecture, he did the same thing. and then i heard this scribbling sound next to me. it was felicia. drawing flowers on the four sides of the paper. with blue and red ink. rite... well whatever keeps her awake. then she noticed me noticing them and whisper, "Don't feel so bad. I know them." aaaaaaaah. i thought so.

yes ppl...and that was the only interesting thing that happened to me today so far. oh and lynn bout a lil mouse stuffed toy that's yellow and green in colour! it's really cute and adorable!!! eh...u better take care of it you know...dun bully him/her.

oh and yest morning when i jus left the front door to go to uni, there were two guys outside. neighbours, i presume. one was shouting, "Save my baby!" and i turned to my left to see this guy, crossing the road to catch this nice looking duck. RIGHT... ooooooooook. and in the process of this, i got distracted by the duck and tripped on the curb and yep, nearly fell. AGAIN. too malu to do anything i jus walked away quickly, praying tht nobody saw it.'s just not my week.

well...hope you all have a great weekend!!! enjoy!!!


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