Saturday, August 14, 2004

Another one of those days

like yesterday, it was cold and windy today. on top of that, it was raining. the whole day. off and on. that's so annoying. especially when you're caught in the rain and by the time u rummage through ur bag frantically looking for your trusty umbrella, the rain would have stopped the moment you open your umbrella. and even if you do have your umbrella all ready, somehow or other the wind is too strong for it and it will jus POM! the other way. you know, where it turns inside out. anywho... that didn't happen to me today. i went to the city with amy and she was the one with the umbrella, but no... none of the above happened. oh wait, except for the many times where we were trying desperately to prevent the umbrella from turning inside out. ok... enough babbling bout umbrellas.

as i said, it was a really miserable day today. it was raining since 3 in the morning and hasn't really stopped since. so i spent the whole afternoon in the city. had lunch with my brother since his birthday's on monday. and what did we do? not much... jus walked around some shops, had lunch. and then i shooed him away at 2 something cos he kept saying that he was sleepy. tsk tsk tsk... he needs to nap in the afternoon after a heavy meal. jus like my dad. BAH. so i spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for amy to be done with meeting her friends. managed to sit down and read the 'FRIENDS book' what ever it's called. and i bought cds today! ugh...i'm not suppose to spend so much money... anywho...i bought something called "3 decades of ballads". basically there's 45 songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s. it's not too bad so far... and i got paulini's album. haven't listened to that yet...slowly ler...

police academy is on now. ok make that police academy 2 is showing now. police academy 3 is too be shown after this and followed by police academy 4. somehow, it doesn't seem funny to me now. oh well... hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. actually...let it rain for all i care.

ugh...seem to be getting lots of backaches recently. can't even cook without getting back pain...can't sit for long without getting it. age catching up on me already? NOOOOOOOOO.... go away!


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