Wednesday, September 08, 2004

My wednesday...

i don't have classes on wednesdays for this sem (dodges killer stare from amy) but i had to wake up early today. ok, so how early you're asking? just like any typical day where i have classes. 9 am. hahaha (pretends not to notice amy fuming). spent the whole day (well nearly...) finishing up my 2,000 word assignment for management. so that's 1 done, 2 more to go. before holidays that is.

i had to go to uni for like 2 hours today. and why? cos PWC from Malaysia came to give an information session. as usual, started a bit late and ended about 1 hour later. before i can give them my resume and all, i had to get an official academic transcript. and that cost me 10 bucks!!! ARGHHHH!!! 10 bucks for me to see my horrendous results. rite...
anyway... while waiting for the thingy to start i noticed that most ppl were dressed formally. felt a bit out of place in my jeans and sport shoes. then later i realised that these ppl were final year students who were there for interviews! my friend went for an interview. hopefully he gets a phone call soon and receives good news. *fingers crossed*

lately, i keep having recurring dreams. the same one. i didn't realise that until i woke up from my dream in the middle of the night and realised i've dreamt it before.
my dream: i'm in this building. no idea which one. but there's lots of rooms and levels. and i keep walking up and down the stairs for no apparent reason. yep, i just keep walking and walking and walking. plenty of walking done here. and it just sorta ends there. or maybe it goes on but i never remember.

i used to have this dream that i was falling backwards down into nothing. falling into the pitch black darkness. and i would just jerk and wake up to find that my heart is beating rapidly.

another dream that i keep having has to do with my teeth. ermmm...i always dream that this particular tooth keeps breaking into pieces! FREAKY!!! don't want that to happen.

looking forward to going grocery shopping tomorrow with hui yin. we're goin to La Porchetta! to have lunch- pasta, pizza or whatever...


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