Thursday, October 07, 2004

Rain rain go away...

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Wind wind blow afar
Blow until you reach the stars

that is Michelle's version of the song taught to her by her grandpa (i think).
yes, it started raining even before i woke up this morning i think. a loud thunder woke me up and i went, "Oh great! It's raining." was so tempted to just stay in bed but had to go to uni. the wind today is horrendous. the moment you step out, you hair goes flying all over the place and you can feel yourself being pushed by the wind. it's now currently 13 degrees and the winds are travelling at a speed of 31.7 km/h. if that is not extremely windy, i don't know what it is.

i have no idea why, but my left arm is killing me. the pain wasn't there when i woke up but it was when my first tute started. i can only lift it to a certain small angle before it hurts like crazy. can't even lift my hand up without wincing. sucks...

was having fun last night playing with the piano in syl's room. hehehe...yes. you read right, there's an electric piano currently standing at the corner of syl's room. and i spent some time last night embarassing myself with my piano skills. now i miss my piano back home.

and now the sun is out. it's weird to see the sun out but yet the sky is filled with grey clouds. it's like a contradiction. dark but sunny...hmmm....


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