Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Still holidays for me

let's see...went shopping yesterday. headed over to Swan street, Bridge Road and to the city with my mates. didn't manage to get anything but i did get a CD. anyway, it was mostly a day of running after the train and the tram. good workout. but of course, i was dead tired yesterday when we got back in the rain.

lately, i've been getting some bad news. friends of my friends have left the world. at such a young age. first, i heard bout someone who got alcohol posioning. and a few days ago, someone else decided to end her life. sigh... this just makes you realise that anything can happen to anyone. no matter how young or old you are. i know i know, you've probably already read this kinda stuff in emails and all...but really, i think life is really short. we must do what we enjoy because who knows what could happen tomorrow. and also, yeah, if you like someone you must tell that person before it's too late yada yada yada... you can probably tell, i've got nothing much to blog about.

oh yea...parents jus got back from Japan. by the sound of it, looks like they had loads of fun minus the fact that my dad's camera decided to not work after a few days. hmmm, didn't even ask if they got me anything. i remember that whenever my dad went anywhere for work when i was younger, i would be jumping up and down the moment he arrived back home, wondering what he got me. nowadays, i couldn't even be bothered if i got anything for christmas, birthday or whatever. hmmm, i must be growing up. i guess there are other stuff that matters more than presents.

ooooooooook...i guess i'm done for today.


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