Saturday, September 11, 2004

It's raining, it's hailing, amy is snoring...

YEP. it's been raining off and on today. it was hailing as well. so i quickly grabbed my camera when i heard loud *plik plak plik pliak pluck* sound on the awning and dashed out. tried to take some pics of the hail (request from dad...). and this was like the best i took, it ain't easy you know...

excuse the slight *ahem* crookedness of the pic. i was a tad bit too excited and just snapped away without realising that i didn't really ermm how do you say it, oh well hack it.
the small lil balls that you see is not the dirt on my lense, mind you. it's the hail stones.
oh and don't ask me what's that steel chimney like thingy in the background. i have absolutely no idea... well at least now, some of you can see how my hostel looks like. :)

i took this pic for fun...sorta like "The end is near." *touch wood*



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