Thursday, September 09, 2004


i was only suppose to wake up at 9 today. instead, i got a phone call from my neighbour at 8 am., snapping me out of my weird dream that i was having. although i was quite blur at that time i answered the phone, i was jus wondering "Huh? What does she want? Is everything alright?" this was what she said:

Her: Michelle, sorry to wake you up but could you check if you have water?
Me: Huh? Mmmm ok...hold on *gets out of warm bed reluctantly and walks to the sink. turns it on and then shouts into the phone* CRAP!!!! NO WATER!!! WHAT THE?!?!?
Her: Oh ok then i'll go call Frank (management person). Do you have his number?
Me: Mmm? (*now more awake than ever after finding out there was no water.) oh. hold on it's in my phone.

And with that, i went back to bed and TRIED to sleep. i jus kept thinking, "GREAT. I need to bathe, wash my hair, brush my teeth, boil water to drink my milo and all. How now???"

that made me not fall asleep. but at one point in time, i nearly fell asleep only to be woken up by my neighbour (yes, the same one that called me) talking loudly to goodness knows who. at 8.30 am- ish! GREAT. can't sleep anymore. so jus woke up and watched some kiddy show. couldn't bathe and all. well i did have some water but it's for me to drink! and there wasn't much. so all i did was brush my teeth, washed my face and hands. so i would now like to apologise to those who thought that i smelled a bit funny just now. it wasn't that i woke up late and didn't have the time to bathe, but rather there was no water.

oh and what cut off the supply of water to us? apparently, there's a burst pipe 5 houses down my road. think it was the same spot where it happened last year. hahaha that was, not the burst pipe but rather that last year, i remember that it happend on the day that hui yin was leaving for back home. and i was bunking in her room. she woke up earlier to go get ready. heard her going into the bathroom and didn't hear anything for quite a while (cos well you can hear the water running). then i heard" ARGHHH!!!!" i was like "What? What happened?" "NO WATER!!! I NEED TO BATHE!! I've got a flight to catch and i don't wanna not bathe! HOW?"
luckily, they were giving out some water due to the burst pipe and one of our dear friends managed to grab some water. so she had enough to at least was her hair, brush her teeth and face. hahaha...

long enough an entry for you ppl? hope so...

oh and sad news. the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was sorta bombed by this car bomb. sigh...when will it all end?


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