Thursday, September 23, 2004

Sigh...of relief or...?

i FINALLY managed to finish my assignment that's due tomorrow. the program i'm supposed to do doesn't really work properly, it's got a few small hitches here and there but that was the best i could do. been working on this assignment for like a week now and so i just couldn't be bothered.

i think something's wrong with me. it's either got to do with my assignment, or i'm just PMS-ing. been spending way too much time on the comp due to the assignment and now my eyes get tired easily (heh, so ur prob thinking," If that's the case, what are you doing writing this now?") i guess it has come to a point where it doesn't really matter anymore. i'm now currrently in the "tidak apa" mood, where i couldn't not be bothered much about anything. you can disturb me all you want and i'll just "ignore" you (heh heh...yes amy...i'm talking to you.)

well at least the holidays are coming... after tomorrow morning at 11 a.m., it's officially the holidays for me! YAY! well it's only for a week but better than nothing right? a week of relaxing and just chilling around...NOT. yea right. i have to start my revision for the exams which starts 3 weeks after the break. ok, not have to but NEED TO.

ARGHH! i wanna be a kid again!!! all you ppl, it's nearly the weekend. so...enjoy ur weekend and for those of you who are already on holidays and will still be...this is for you. *HMPH*
hehhe as you can tell, i think i've gone a bit insane.
well...whatever it is, holiday or not...enjoy ur weekend!


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