Sunday, November 14, 2004

It's O-V-E-R

what's over? my exams! finally done with it. this time has by far been my longest period of uni exams. phew, just sort of relieved it's over. but ironically, i don't feel REALLY happy that i'm done. not feeling estatic or overjoyed or anything. just...normal. maybe it's cos results would be out in 3 weeks time.
the past few days has been tiring but fun. last paper was on thursday and had to come back home in the rain after the exam which ended at like 5.45pm. did nothing for the night, just watched tv with amy chilling in my room.
on friday, amy, syl and i watched The Forgotten. there wasn't many people watching and thank goodness you didn't watch hui yin! i was sitting in between both of them munching away on my popcorn when suddenly amy reached over and grabbed my hand, in fear and terror. so for the most of the movie both of us were huddled together, screaming whenever something unexpected happened while syl was just sitting there, hiding behind her jacket. so whenever i hear amy screamed so did i. well part was because it was a teeny weeny bit scary and also you know how you sorta jump out of your seat when it's quiet and someone next to you just screams out loud? hope no one heard us.
at night i had to "pretend" to be a patient who's 31 years old and had some drug history thingy wingy to help amy to study for her practical medical exam. i'm not that good at role playing, but better when i'm being knocked here and there by some tendon hammer or having amy try to blow my arm off when she's taking my blood pressure.
yesterday all three of us (yes it's always the 3 of us these days since the rest have gone home) headed to the city. the plan was to go to Smith St., where they have loads of factory outlets. we ended up walking around for nearly 6 hours i think? so you can just imagine how tired we were yesterday. we usually take a tram from the city to Smith St from the same place but yesterday, the road was closed temporarily. we saw this crowd of people down the road with green balloons. if you listened close enough, you could actually hear someone singing. so we headed down to see what the big hoo hah it's about. as we got closer, i actually recognised the voice and told the girls, "Hey i think it's Cosima." i walked quickly there (excited mar...) and yep, i was right. there she was singing live for the public in front of Myer (departmental store) and it was then did i wanted to smack myself for not bringing my camera along. it's not that i'm a fan of hers, but she's alright. oh btw, Cosima came in 3rd in Australian Idol last year. and oh my goodness hui yin, she sang "When the war is over" without any music and when she "screamed" we felt as if the speakers were gonna blow up! it was seriously incredibly loud.
the past few times when i headed to the city, it always rained. and yesterday was no different. as we were walking along Smith, it was raining quite heavily and i excitedly exclaimed to amy, "It's hailing!" so she stuck her hand out to catch the tiny balls of ice that were falling from the sky. and this time i nearly smacked my forehead for forgetting to bring my camera along! my dad has been wanting to see a picture when it's hailing (i took once before, but couldn't really see much). and yesterday was just perfect to show my dad how it's like when it hails. it's like God is shaking salt crystals all over the earth. it was just magnificent.
i packed my luggage last night. my brother was like, "Eh? aren't you only going off on monday?" is there a rule that says that i can only pack my luggage the night before? well the reason why i packed last night was cos tonight, they're showing Panic Room on tv! and i wanna watch. so there. that's my reason. and how heavy is my luggage? 24-25 kgs. pretty heavy. i'm so gonna get it from my dad cos he's the one who carries it into the car. hehehe but i can blame it on the chocs he asked me to get.
ok, i think that was a pretty long entry. i'm just sorta bored right now here in the library. there's nothing else to do. nothing on tv. nothing more to do. i cleaned my room, well sort of is good enough.
alright, i am sort of dreading the flight back since ahem, i just hate flying. so to those who haven't finished their exams, ALL THE BEST. i'll try not to rub it in that i'm going home soon and you're still stuck here doing exams. hehehe i'm so mean. but just tahan a little longer and you'll be home. enjoy your holidays! and for those not on holidays, erm...take care!

p/s: WAHH!!! i miss my laptop!!! BOO HOO songs!


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