Saturday, July 03, 2004


changed my blogskin. nice nice? change is good. sometimes.
someone was complaining that she couldn't get into my website, that her anti-virus program prevented her from getting into my website, yada yada...

will be going to penang tomorrow or a.k.a. the pearl of the orient. goodness knows why that lil island is called that. will be a short trip since there's not much to do there anyway...just pigging out on the delicious food! ugh...think i've put on loads of weight.

can't believe it....jus last month i was counting down the days that i was going back. now in less than 2 weeks i would be back in melbourne. don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with going back there. it's just that when ur there, u miss here and when ur here u miss it there. sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....I kinda like this layout. Simple but nice...
Penang again.....don't forget the try to remember this time round....
Are there any pearls there? Get me some.... =P
Or go dicving and find me some....if I don't see any with you when I see you, I'll have to kick you...
*runs and hides*....*sets up super shield*.....*awaits for a full force attack*....

4:46 PM  
Blogger michymich said...

hey no probie rite? yea lar...what to do. i liked the starry one too but find that it takes a bloody long time for it to load anyway. luggage? mine would be normal, my big bag, my laptop bag and a small hand carry. don't worry bout the cab, cos the cab-man will noe what to do. don't so kan cheong... darn. i need to find my racquet...later yin kill me. eh i can't enter everyone else's blogspot. grrrr...

yo malfoy...what ducks man. enough already. u better watch out. i'm waiting for ur call.... *taps foot while whistling*

6:42 PM  

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