Friday, June 18, 2004

And that's a wrap.

finally. exams are over!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! *takes a deep breath* sigh. semester 1 has officially ended for me. time is passing fast. too fast. i'm halfway through my degree now. just seems like yesterday only when i was a first year.

i don't get it. you spent loads of time preparing something, and in an instant it's gone. take for example, cooking. you spent time cutting, chopping, washing whatever indgredients you need. then you cook it and serve it. and the best part is of course, eating it. and some ppl (no one in particular) just gobbles it down in minutes and finishes it off with a burp (ok, that was a tad bit disgusting). isn't it ironic? you spent so much time and effort into something and when you finally put it to use, it's over in just a matter of time. it's like studying for an exam. you spent days, weeks on your subjects and a 2 or 3 hour exam determines whether you pass or not. whether you've learned anything. i guess life is just like that eh? all these are to prepare us for the future maybe?

i saw a rainbow while i was waiting for the train to get home. nice nice! what a sight to see when u just finished your exam.

i have stuff to do. packing, mainly. by tomorrow night, i would be home. home sweet home. and yesterday, i thought that i couldn't find my malaysian handphone sim card. i got so frustrated, scolding myself for me so absent minded. it's been happening quite often lately. i was "cursing" for like 10 mins while i searched my luggage and other bags inside out and looking around my closet floor (just in case it dropped there or something). i was on the verge of smsing my bro to ask him to look around his place, don't ask me why. i guess i was just desperate. it's not like the sim card is a prepaid one's a line. so i decided to look into my small bag and i missed looking at one zipped compartment. and yep. it was there. PHEW. huge relief i must say. then, i started wondering whether i put the buttons that i need my mom to sew for me . again, i panicked when i couldn't find it. was in yet another zipped compartment. gosh...all these zipped compartments, love them or hate them?

hope i'll be fine during the flight tomorrow. 8's bad enough. not to mention that my butt will be aching. but at least, i'm goin back with Felicia! company! i pity her since she's gonna sit next to me. i'm a pain to sit with. you never know what might happen to me. yes ppl... i get AIR-SICK. it's always when we're flying over Indonesia that it's a bit scary, for me that is. only my mom can stand sitting next to me. she will look over my direction every now and then and ask "Are u ok?" with a concerned look. makes me feel like a lil child. *begining to be in a childish mood. BEWARE.* lalalalala.... darn. how i wish i was still a child. oh well...hopefully tomorrow i'll feel like one again? :P

well, to all those who still have exams to get over and done with, i wish you ALL THE BEST! and for those who are not going back home, HAVe FUN wherever you are and TAKE CARE! and no... don't think it's possible for me to ta- pau for you durians, char koay teow, curry mee or anything for that matter. and some of you...STOP SAYING THAT I ALWAYS GO BACK DURING THE HOLS!!! cannot is it?!?! of course i must go's my dad's birthday. well technically, i will arrive back in Melb on his actual birthday...but what to do? all monash's fault. they start a week earlier. hmphy hmph hmph. phooey. bleach. *crosses arm and pouts*

well hope that i won't fry or bake when i'm back. heard it's pretty hot. and it's cold here. what a contrast. oh well... we complain when it's too hot and when it's too cold. we're never satisfied. human nature i suppose. *shrugs* or is it just me? *raises one eyebrow*

ok...think i've talked too much. keep me updated you guys! mail me or something! or whatever...
till next time....CIAO!

i'll leave you know with a nice song that might put some ppl to sleep but nevertheless a really soothing and nice song to me. go download it!

Sarah Brightman- Tú quieres volver

tú me pierdes la razón
no digas nada
siempre siempre serán los dos
aquella noche
y por la calle
lo mismo será.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me siento na.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me siento na.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.

Yo pienso aquel día
lo mismo que ayer,
lo mismo será.

Yo pienso aquel día
lo mismo que ayer,
lo mismo pensa.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.

Translation (You want to return)

you make me lose reason,
don't say anything
always, always it will be the two of us
we know
that night
and in the street
the same thing will be.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I don't feel anything.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I don't feel anything.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.

I think that day,
the same thing as yesterday,
the same thing will be.

I think that day,
the same thing as yesterday,
the same thinking.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.


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