Thursday, June 03, 2004

the end of Semester One 2004

semester 1 2004 has ended. for me that is. it's been 13 weeks. 13 weeks of studying, with assignments due in between here and there and with sucky tests as well. and for the next 2 weeks, i have 4 exams for which i am being put to the test to see what i have learned for the past 13 weeks. SIGH.
i'm quite tired now. too tired to study. nvm i have the whole day tomorrow to study. and saturday. and sunday. SIGH.

oooo i feel so stupid. just now i went for an earlier lecture so that i can finish early. was able to go for the earlier lecture since my other lecture was not on. so i happily walked into the lecture theatre. thinking how early i was. sat there. looked around and noticed that there weren't many ppl around. then i looked around and noticed that i didn't really recognise most of the ppl there. then i saw a familiar face or two. 1.05 came. eh??? where's Lynn? where's everyone else? i was busy smsing with booo and hui yin when Lynn sent me this msg: "do u noe that the lecture is in R4?" the moment i read that, i jumped up from the seat and walked to the correct lecture theatre. i was actually tailing another girl who turned around and asked me if this is where the lecture was. went in the LT only to find it FULL of students and the lecture had already started. a few mins after i settled in, the familiar face i saw in the other LT came into the LT. whoops. as you might have guessed, we went to the wrong LT. hmph. so MALU.

nyway, went to Chadstone just now. for those of you who don't know, it's this shopping mall near my place. went there after class with hui yin. was suppose to meet Amy and Syl but they only got there at like 6pm. so before they came hui yin and i went shopping. bought 2 pairs of jeans which were like half priced! well it was priced at 39.99 but i was charged 15 bucks for it!!! I"M SO HAPPYYYY!!! I"M OVER THE MOON!!! oh btw, it's a full moon out there tonight!

ooo can't wait for june the 11th!!! i would be having my 3rd paper by then. but the good news is that.... we bought tickets to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!1 WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!


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